
Photographs document not only the feelings or expressions of the subject, but also the photographer themselves. 

Photography is a part of me. Probably one of the most important and amazing aspects of my life . It has led me on so many adventures. I started out shooting terrible photos of flowers and herons by the rural of my hometown in Taiwan, Hsinchu. One thing led to the other, I started adventuring into events around me: school events, temple festivals, baseball, landscapes. Before I knew it, I got my first honorable mention in a National Geographic International Photo Contest with a blurry photo (Intentionally blurry photo 🙃). Don’t worry, I got first place the next year. 

Now it has been more than 10 years since I picked up a camera, I have been through a journey. Photography is open to millions of people, yet my photography has led me on a path that is individual to me and only me. No matter how common or ordinary something is, the way you approach it makes all the difference. What I gave to photography became what it gave back to me. Every photograph I have ever taken is an embodiment of my inspiration, drenched in the sweat of persistence and dedication - each and every one, a piece of me. My name is Tim by the way.

Connect with me here if you need help covering events, sports, food photography.



2018 National Geographic International Photo Contest: Honorable Mention

2018國家地理全球攝影大賽青少年組: 佳作

2016 National Geographic International Photo Contest: 1st Place

2016國家地理全球攝影大賽青少年組: 第一名

2015 National Geographic International Photo Contest: Honorable Mention

2015國家地理全球攝影大賽青少年組: 佳作

Dasi Cultural Festival Photo Contest: 3rd Place

2015大溪文藝季攝影比賽: 第三名

Dasi Cultural Festival Photo Contest: Merit Award

2015大溪文藝季攝影比賽: 優選

Dasi Cultural Festival Photo Contest: Honorable Mention (x2)

2015大溪文藝季攝影比賽: 佳作 x 2


2015我愛台北攝影比賽: 第三名


2015我愛台北攝影比賽: 優選

2015 I LOVE TAIPEI PHOTO CONTEST: Honorable Mention

2015我愛台北攝影比賽: 入選 x 2

2014 Hsinchu City God Festival Photography Competition: 1st Place

竹塹中元城隍祭2014城隍盃攝影比賽: 第ㄧ名 

2014 Hsinchu City God Festival Photography Competition: 3rd Place

竹塹中元城隍祭2014城隍盃攝影比賽: 第三名

2014 Hsinchu City God Festival Photography Competition: Honorable Mention(x2)

竹塹中元城隍祭2014城隍盃攝影比賽: 佳作 x 2

2014 Hsinchu City Hakka Photography Competition: Merit Award

2014 新竹市客家月-好客攝影比賽: 優勝

2014 Hsinchu City Hakka Festival Photography Competition: Honorable Mention(x2)

2014 新竹市客家月-好客攝影比賽:  佳作 x 2 


Tim Wang

Follow me: @twphoto.graphy & @886foodbros

Currently in Vancouver, BC